Wednesday, 29 July 2015

How to disable Right Click on Desktop and Explorer

Right clicking anywhere on the desktop pops up a number of contextual menu items like paste, copy, Properties, seen to and others on the screen.
However, a number of system administrators would prefer to disable the right click for securities reasons.
How to disable right Click

It is possible to disable the user’s ability to right click on the desktop by simply following the below steps:

Step 1: Open the regedit.exe file.

Step 2: Scroll down to or create the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Policies\Explorer

Step 3: In the right side, create a new DWORD value named  NoViewContextMenu within the above registry key and sets its data value to 1 to disable the right click context menu on the desktop, and to 0 to enable it.
(NOTE: you may want to completely delete the DWORD value NoViewContextMenu when you want to enable right click.
Step 4: Exit the Windows registry and restart the windows session for the change to be applied.

it is also possible to implement the above by simply creating and executing .rag extension file containing the below:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ Policies\Explorer]


See also: How to Customize Logon Screen in Windows

Now check how to disable Right Click on the Taskbar
In the above steps, we've seen how easy it is for a user to disable right click anywhere on the desktop and explorer. However, on many occasions you may want to disable right click even on windows taskbar. This is very useful registry tweak comes into the picture.
1. Open the regedit.exe file.

2. Scroll down to or create the following registry key:

3. In the right side, create a new DWORD  value named NoTrayContextMenu within the above registry key and set its data value to 1 to disable the right click context  menu on the taskbar, and to 0 to enable it. (Note: you may want to completely delete the DWORD value NoTrayContextMenu when you want to enable right click.)

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